
Showing posts from December, 2017

Evaluation Question 3

Getting audience feedback is essential for improving our media product. During the making of our video we asked for feedback on many occasions to ensure that we could on the four rough cuts that we had completed. In comparison to the first rough cut you can clearly see that our video has improved and this is for multiple reasons although one of the main reasons for this was because of all the helpful feedback we had collected. We started off by showing our rough cut to around 20 16 year olds and this was a good idea because that age group is our target audience and getting feedback from our target audience was the best thing to do because we are hearing helpful criticism from the people we are actually trying to sell our product to. This helped us massively because it showed us what we had to improve on and gave us a clear understanding of that. There were things such as having a variety of shots and locations in order to keep the video and interesting which was essential because if we

Evaluation Question 4


Evaluation Question 1
