David Guetta Textual Analysis

David Guetta Textual Analysis

From the narrative and looking at the music video we can see that there are a lot of intertextuality and its mostly referring to 80s type sci-fi movies. The references tie in with Steven Spielberg’s movies mainly from the 80s with films like ET, Back to the future and the Goonies. This can be shown from the whole narrative, the young child in the music video has been given super powers and is coming to grips with having these types of abilities which is the main story to a lot of old Spielberg movies. It seems that the reoccurring thing in films like the ones stated are that these huge responsibilities are being given to children rather than adults which is something that was never really seen before, this can be shown in the music video because in the beginning he runs away from school because he hasn’t been able to control his powers and has destroyed one of the corridors with dust and rubble everywhere. He then goes home where you can see the influence again to 80s movies from the TV which isn’t a modern TV and looks much like it came from the 80s decade. Another thing that shows this is the fact that the child has a model of the solar system in his room, this is because during the 80s sci-fi movies had peaked in popularity and space travel and exploration was becoming more and more apparent and popular, so there are a lot of small references to the 80s and 80s sci-fi movies that we can see in this music video. This music video is essentially mimicking the storyline to ET and this is because this young child has been given a huge responsibility which is much like how Elliot has to look after ET who is an alien which I think is a massive responsibility to be taking for anyone, let alone a child. Its then apparent that the story is being copied from when the police are searching for the kid which can be linked to when the government come after to Elliot to capture ET so they could experiment on him and its linked to the big chase scene in ET when all the boys are on their bikes in the forest, and we see the young child running away from home is in a forest. The narrative can also be taken from the lyrics too, ‘im bulletproof, nothing to lose’ this could be suggesting the feelings of the child in the music video because he’s got these superpowers that give him the ability to be able to destroy an entire corridor so either way, the school or the police are going to be after him so this is suggesting he has nothing to lose because he may get caught either way. Another lyric said is ‘ghost town’ this could suggest how alone the kid is feeling because he is most likely the only person in the entire world with these types of powers and he feels trapped and alone because he has no one to relate to and cannot be understood by anyone at all.

The setting is definitely not realistic in the slightest, it’s trying to recreate the universe of Steven Spielberg movies and this can be shown through lots of small references such as the clothes the kids and the adults are wearing along with the house designs and the household items such as the TV and the model of the solar system in the kid’s room.


This music video is slightly different, this is because neither of the artists are being shown in this music video and there are no performance elements to it whatsoever. I think they may have done this so that the message of the lyrics and the story behind the video was focused on more rather than having lots of shots of the artists performing. The character has been represented as alienated, this is because throughout the music video he is alone and is isolated. This is telling us that his powers are causing him to be like this because he is the only one with them and has to be alone so that he doesn’t hurt anyone or cause any damage to anyone. This could then be suggesting that he is perhaps misunderstood and feels like he is the only one.  


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